MaskUpMetro.COM vs
Take OFF your mask, Take a photo and post it on social media using #maskupmetro. Un-Mask to keep your friends, your family and the metro safe. Because heroes don't wear masks. Be a hero. Save lives. Burn the mask, metro!
Fake News mass media pumps out non-stop fear. Everyone is suspect. Danger from an unseen thing lurks everywhere.
For decades the radical leftist Culture War on America has been attempting to collapse America from within.
To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance their plans.
Their modeling systems were wrong. Their numbers were highly exaggerated. Despite this, they were prepared to go all the way
It’s been obvious that The Mask has simply been a tool by which the ruling class can test the compliance of the average citizen.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases.
“How can a person be forced by any business or government entity to wear a mask?”
One big reason masks are useless is that ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE DON’T TRANSMIT THE VIRUS!
As people turn against each other over mask mandates, many scientists are speaking out
Question the efficacy and safety of masks -- especially for our children -- and whether any possible benefit is greater than the physical, mental, emotional, psychological and even spiritual harm they can and do cause.
Is there a down side to wearing face masks besides being uncomfortable? The following articles, studies and videos question the efficacy of face masks and explain how they could be compromising our immune system and harming the healthy.
“We are making a generation of children that are afraid of their environment.”
“We must stop the unnecessary fear that us adults have imposed
on our children…We must stop spreading unnecessary fear to our children.”
Mask wearing has “well-known risks" that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis.
Medical doctors critical of the establishment’s health policies are speaking up against the mask mandate.
New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the virus causing an increase of transmission.
The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone.
The postmortem samples examined from people who died of influenza uniformly exhibited severe changes indicative of bacterial pneumonia.
Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic.
An overlooked study published recently by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that cloth face coverings or masks are mostly ineffective in preventing the spread of the Chinese coronavirus as promoted by public health officials.
In addition to causing “maskne” and skin infections on the face and around the mouth, persistent coughing, “mask mouth,” and respiratory illnesses including lung infections, it turns out that most everyone infected with COVID-19 “always” wore masks.
An underreported, recently-published CDC study adds to the pile of evidence that cloth masks or other forms of mandated face coverings only contribute negatives to our COVID-19 problem.
COVID-19 Problem: Skin irritation from hand washing
The downside of social distancing
The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use
Frequent Hand Washing for COVID-19 Can Cause Hand Dermatitis
Social distancing could have devastating effect on people
Stress from coronavirus pandemic takes a toll on people’s mental health
Dermatologists Note a Rise in Hand Eczema Due to Coronavirus
Coronavirus will also cause a loneliness epidemic
Stress, anxiety and depression levels soar under Covid-19 restrictions
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