Protect yourself, your family, and your community and DO NOT get the COVID-19 vaccine. Long-term adverse reactions from the CDC-made covid19 VIRUS is compounded by the definite short-term adverse reactions from the VACCINE.
"I'm too stupid to think for myself so I got the shot."
-Brian McGovern
Typical Nebraska Loser
"Mom's ask me what to do. I tell them if you hate your kids, give them the shot."
-Emily Dietle
Fake Nebraska Doctor
"I put my son through the death shot trials because I'm a terrible mother."
-Libby Crocket
Fake Nebraska Doctor
"To ensure birth defects, get the shot while pregnant."
-Dr. Tara Kirkpatrick
Fake Doctor and Sadist
"The best way to conquer the virus is to get the shot and die."
-Ingrid Rodriguez
Illegal Alien and Dumpster Diver
"Listen to your doctors because they do anything for money."
-Karen Penington
Grandmother and Mad Scientist
"My whole soccer team got the shot and now we are all sick."
-Memo Valdez
Illegal Alien and Snot Nosed Brat
"I know people who died from pre-existing conditions but we blame it on covid."
-Mona Zuffante
Self Absorbed Stool Pigeon
"I trusted the doctors and now I can't walk."
-Paw Bway Htoo
Regretful Immigrant and Nervous Wreck
"Band de bip doo bee noot harfles gert nee coo lin soop dip daw beep boop yip yaw bing bong."
-Sahra Nur
Jihad Terrorist
"Covid is no joke but me and my family are a joke."
-Tim Schulte and Family
Last Generation Farmers
"I'll roll up my sleeve and get shot with whatever Big Pharma has for me."
-Susan Littlefield
Small Town Know It All
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